Site Redesign

Did your last web developer leave you with a broken site (or no site at all)? You’re not alone! Many of my clients complain about this happening to them, and I can help. For the first 50 clients, get a redesign for only $230 CAD when you purchase my tool bundle.

The Process

The first step in reclaiming and finishing a broken or incomplete site is to see how far you got in the first place. What content is there and can be re-used? How was it built and how much of that layout will be salvageable? What is the cause of issues you’ve been having? I’ll seek to determine all of this.

When I know all the content you have, I will run it by you to see what will stay, what will go, and how the new content should be structured if it will be significantly different from what was left for me to pick through. From this I will have a plan for what all pages and photos you will ACTUALLY need.

Depending on how messy the site is now I may have to re-install WordPress, or we may be able to just install my toolset and re-build out from where it was left, deleting old content as we migrate it to the new layouts. All of the tools in the toolkit will be available for this, including a new premium theme and page builder. I typically also re-name, re-size, and optimize your existing images as in most cases of incomplete sites they are mis-managed which contributes to slow loading times and inability to find the ones you need in your media library.

The Results

See this before and after of site grade (performance) on a recent recovery/redesign I did using my tool bundle! The initial issue was that site was incomplete and unworkably slow (think, trying to edit a page froze everything). As you can see, that is no longer the case! 



Design Samples

See some of the designs I’ve done for clients. One of these can be you!


How Do I Get This?