GeneratePress Pro

GeneratePress Pro Theme

When building a website your theme will help you achieve the visual look you’re dreaming of. It can be hard to find the one that gives you a beautiful site, is fast, and easy to learn/customize.


That’s where GeneratePress Pro comes in! Similar to Astra Pro.


This WordPress theme is fast, lightweight, and very flexible! Spend less time getting your site design in place with their starter templates, and more time acquiring clients. No coding necessary! GeneratePress is built with speed in mind – unlock unmatched performance with it.

Setup Process

GeneratePress does have a free version of their theme that must be installed prior to adding GeneratePress Pro. 

We’ll install the GeneratePress Pro plugin and hook-up to my developer license to give you access!

When pro is installed, get access to the starter templates – select one and import it, then start customizing it to your needs!

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How Do I Get This?


$59 USD per year

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$120 CAD per year

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